Aerial view of the Pentagon Building located in Washington, District of Columbia (DC), showing emergency crews responding to the destruction caused when a high-jacked commercial jetliner crashed into the southwest corner of the building, during the 9/11 terrorists attacks.
On 9/11 there was over 3,000 people who died and over 400 fireman,police,veterans and ems people died. That was one of the sadist days for our country.And those people, weather they where brothers sisters or parents they probably died if they where at the top of the building .The pentagon attack was on the same day of the twin towers attack but there was a special hero who saved most people who where burned,hurt or passed out from the smoke, he still helped them. pentagon is where the solders go in there office.Both of the twin towers collapsed and you couldn’t see anything for days . Of course this event took place in new york.The towers where the tallest in new york that’s why it was important to me at least but they did rebuild the tower. Yet america has never forgotten that dark day.Now they have something like a concrete square of course it was big lets hope that that doesn’t happen again. Yet there was another hero a guy he helped a plane stop from crashing down maybe in to the white house or somewhere else.But all of those people died and our country will remember this and them for ever.